API Procedures

Snoweaver offers a suite of stored procedures within the admin schema and individual projects, enabling users to execute a variety of DevOps and development tasks directly, bypassing the need for the Streamlit GUI.

Admin API Reference


This procedure appends the specified secrets and integrations to the target project. If the project does not already exist, it will be created automatically.


  • name (varchar)

    The name of the project to be created or updated.

  • data (varchar)

    Configuration data for the project in YAML format.


    secrets: []
    external_integrations: []
      - <secret1>
      - <secret2>
      - <integration1>
      - <integration2>

Return Value: (variant)

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": "execution results."


This procedure creates or replaces a secret.


  • name (varchar)

    The name of the secret to be created or updated.

  • data (varchar)

    Configuration data of the secret in YAML format.


    • OAuth2 Secret:

      type: oauth2
      api_name: <oauth_integration>
      refresh_token: <refresh_token>
      refresh_token_expiry: <refresh_token_expiry>
        - <scope1>
        - <scope2>
    • Generic String Secret:

      type: string
      generic_string: <string_value>
    • Basic Secret:

      type: basic
      username: <username>
      password: <password>

Return Value: (variant)

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": "execution results."


This procedure creates or updates a network rule.


  • name (varchar)

    The name of the network rule to be created or updated.

  • domains (varchar)

    Domains of the network rule, separated by commas.



Return Value: (variant)

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": "execution results."


This procedure registers an external access integration.


  • name (varchar)

    The name of the external access integration to be registered.

Return Value: (variant)

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": "execution results."


This procedure registers an OAuth security integration.


  • name (varchar)

    The name of the OAuth security integration to be registered.

Return Value: (variant)

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": "execution results."


This procedure returns the version of API procedures installed.



Return Value: (variant)

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": "V_X.X.X"

Project API Reference


This procedure tests components of a job and returns the test results. If any component fails, the procedure status is set to “failed”.


  • job (varchar)

    The name of the job to be tested.

  • components (varchar)

    The components to be tested, separated by commas. Use ‘*’ to test all available components.

    valid values: prehook, endpoint, params, headers, payload, payload_parts, output, file_path, sftp_file_path, posthook

Return Value: (variant)

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": {
      "component1": {
            "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
            "data": "test results",
      "component2": {
            "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
            "data": "test results",


This procedure tests an input template for a specific job component in real-time and returns the test results generated by the Jinja engine.


  • job (varchar)

    The name of the job to be tested.

  • components (varchar)

    The components to be tested, separated by commas. Use ‘*’ to test all available components.

    valid values: prehook, endpoint, params, headers, payload, payload_parts, output, file_path, sftp_file_path, posthook

  • template (varchar)

    The content of the Jinja template.

Return Value: (variant)

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": "raw test results generated by the Jinja engine."


This procedure tests a macro library and returns the test results. If the library and test templates are specified, the procedure will use the test template to validate the library template in real-time and return the test results.


  • macro_lib (varchar)

    The name of the macro library to be tested.

  • lib_template (varchar) -optional

    The content of the lib template.

  • test_template (varchar) -optional

    The content of the test template.

Return Value: (variant)

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": "test results"


This procedure tests a function and returns the test results. If the definition and the test template are specified, the procedure will use the test template to validate the Python definition in real-time and return the test results.


  • function (varchar)

    The name of the function to be tested.

  • definition (varchar) -optional

    The content of the Python definition for this function.

  • test_template (varchar) -optional

    Content of the test template.

Return Value:(variant)

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": "test results"


This procedure previews the HTTP content prepared by a web request job.


  • job (varchar)

    The name of job to be previwed.

Return Value: (variant)

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": "the HTTP content prepared by a web request job"


This procedure makes a test call from a temporary instance of a job.


  • job (varchar)

    The name of the job to make the test call.

  • enable_posthook (boolean)

    Specifies if the posthook should be executed after the call, if it has been defined.

Return Value: (variant)

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": "response payload or posthook output"


This procedure builds or rebuilds the instance for a specified job. To build instances for all jobs within the project, use ‘*’.


  • job (varchar)

    The name of the job to build the instance for.

Return Value: (variant)

The return value is a variant, depending on whether a single job or all jobs are specified.

Single job

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": "run results."

All the jobs

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": {
      "job1": {
            "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
            "data": "run results",
      "job2": {
            "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
            "data": "run results",


This procedure exports project resources to the CODE stage as YAML files. The naming convention for the generated resource files is: [resource_type]_[resource_name].yaml.

When exporting multiple resources, the status of the procedure is set to failed if any resource fails.


  • resource_type (varchar)

    The type of resources to be exported. Use ‘*’ to export all resource types.

    valid values: job, function, macro_lib, config, *

  • resource (varchar)

    The name of the resource to be exported. Use ‘*’ to export all resources of a specified type.

  • delete_all (boolean)

    Set this option to true if you want to remove everything from the CODE stage before exporting.

Return Value: (variant)

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": {
      "resource_type1": {
         "resource1": {
               "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
               "message": "export results",
               "target": "export_file.yaml",
         "resource2": {
               "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
               "message": "export results",
               "target": "export_file.yaml",


This procedure returns the YAML document of a project resource as a string.


  • resource_type (varchar)

    The type of resources to be exported.

    valid values: job, function, macro_lib, config

  • resource (varchar)

    The name of the resource to be exported.

Return Value: (variant)

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": "The YAML document of the resource."


This procedure imports project resource YAML files from the CODE stage. Valid resource files must follow the naming convention: [resource_type]_[resource_name].yaml.

When importing multiple resources, if any resource fails, the procedure’s status is set to “failed”.


  • resource_type (varchar)

    The type of resources to be imported. Use ‘*’ to import all resource types.

    valid values: job, function, macro_lib, config, *

  • resource (varchar)

    The name of the resource to be imported. Use ‘*’ to import all resource files of a specified type.

  • delete_all (boolean)

    Set this option to remove all project resources before importing, except for the DATA stage and the RESULTS table.

Return Value: (variant)

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": {
      "resource_type1": {
         "resource1": {
               "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
               "data": "import results"
         "resource2": {
               "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
               "data": "import results",


This procedure updates a project resource with the provided YAML document data.


  • resource_type (varchar)

    The type of resource to be updated.

    valid values: job, function, macro_lib, config

  • resource (varchar)

    The name of the resource to be updated.

  • data (varchar)

    The resource data in YAML format.

Return Value: (variant)

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": "Results of the import operation."


This procedure returns the version of API procedures installed in the project.



Return Value: (variant)

   "status": ["failed"|"ok"],
   "data": "V_X.X.X"