API Procedures

Snoweaver provides a set of stored procedures and functions within each connection schema. These allow users to retrieve or update data or files via HTTP/REST requests.


REQUEST (function)

Sends an HTTP/REST request with a JSON document or text as the body and returns the result as a JSON (Variant) object.


  • type (varchar) Default: “GET”

    The type of the request. Valid values are “GET”, “POST”, “PUT”, “DELETE”, and “PATCH”.

  • endpoint (varchar) Default: “”

    The endpoint of the request. This will be concatenated to the base URL of the connection schema to form the complete request URL.

  • parameters (variant, optional) Defaults: {}

    A map of key-value pairs that will be added to the request URL as query parameters.

  • headers (variant, optional) Defaults: {}

    A map of key-value pairs that will be added to the request headers.

  • body (variant:object or string, optional) Defaults: {}

    The body of the request.

    • If the type is “POST”, “PUT”, or “PATCH”, the body should be a JSON object or a String.

    • Not required if the type is “GET” or “DELETE”.

  • preview (boolean, optional) Defaults: False

    If true, the function will return the content of the HTTP request prepared for execution instead of executing the request.

Return Value: (variant:object)

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "status_code": (integer, status code of the response)
        "headers": (json, headers of the response)
        "payload": (json|text, body of the response)


    "success": false,
    "data": "error message."


    "success": true,
    "data": "content of the HTTP request prepared for execution"

REQUEST (procedure)

This procedure facilitates file uploads and downloads in conjunction with HTTP/REST requests.

  • Uploading: Sends an HTTP/REST request, using a file from the DATA stage as the request body. The function returns the result of the request as a JSON (Variant) object.

  • Downloading: Sends an HTTP/REST request and stores the downloaded file in the DATA stage. The function returns the relative path to the downloaded file.


  • type (varchar) Default: “GET”

    The type of the request. Valid values are “GET”, “POST”, “PUT”, “DELETE”, and “PATCH”.

  • endpoint (varchar) Default: “”

    The endpoint of the request. This will be concatenated to the base URL of the connection schema to form the complete request URL.

  • parameters (variant, optional) Defaults: {}

    A map of key-value pairs that will be added to the request URL as query parameters.

  • headers (variant, optional) Defaults: {}

    A map of key-value pairs that will be added to the request headers.

  • filepath (varchar) Defaults: “”

    The relative path to the file within the DATA stage.

    • For uploads, this is the file to be sent as the request body.

    • For downloads, it’s where the response will be saved. For example, if the path is /dir1/file.csv, the full path will be @DATA/dir1/file.csv.

  • compress_decompress (boolean, optional) Defaults: True

    If true, the file will be compressed before uploading or decompressed after downloading from the DATA stage.

  • parallel (integer, optional) Defaults: 4

    The number of threads to use for file transfers to or from the DATA stage.

  • overwrite (boolean, optional) Defaults: True

    Specifies whether Snowflake should overwrite existing files with the same name during the upload process.

    Not required for downloading files.

  • preview (boolean, optional) Defaults: False

    If true, the function will return the content of the HTTP request prepared for execution instead of executing the request.

Return Value: (variant:object)

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "status_code": (integer, status code of the response)
        "headers": (json, headers of the response)
        "payload": (json|text, relative path of the file for downloading or body of the request for uploading)


    "success": false,
    "data": "error message."


    "success": true,
    "data": "content of the HTTP request prepared for execution"