Tutorial: Update data and files using a connection
This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for using Web Request jobs to update records and files via Google APIs.
Before continuing with this tutorial, ensure you have completed the following prerequisites:
Open a Snowflake worksheet and execute the following SQL statements using a role with the necessary privileges:
Create an OAuth integration
Access the Admin Console with the owner role of Snoweaver or a custom role with the SNOWEAVER.APP_ADMIN application role.
Open the OAuth Integrations page.
Configure a new integration with the following settings:
Name: google_oauth OAuth Client ID: <Consumer Key> OAuth Client Secret: <Consumer Secret> OAuth Token Endpoint: https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token OAuth Authorization Endpoint: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth OAuth Allowed Scopes: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar
Refer to the Enable Google APIs and Obtain OAuth Credentials guide for instructions on obtaining a consumer key and a consumer secret.
Click Generate Script to create a SQL script for setting up the Snowflake OAuth Integration and granting Snoweaver access.
Run the generated script in a Snowflake worksheet. Ensure that the role executing the script has the CREATE INTEGRATION privilege, such as the AccountAdmin role.
Currently, Snowflake restricts native applications from requesting privileges to create security integrations on consumer accounts. This limitation may be lifted in the future, potentially enabling automation of this process.
Return to Snoweaver and register the new OAuth integration via the sidebar menu.
Create an OAuth secret
Open the Secrets page.
Configure a new secret with the following settings:
Name: google_oauth_token Secreet Type: OAuth2 Refresh Token: <Refresh Token> OAuth Allowed Scopes: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar OAuth API Integration: google_oauth
Refer to the Enable Google APIs and Obtain OAuth Credentials guide for instructions on obtaining a refresh token.
Save the new secret.
Create a Network Rule
Access the Snoweaver application with the owner role or a custom role with the SNOWEAVER.APP_ADMIN application role.
Open the Network Rules page.
Apply the following configuration to create a new network rule:
Name: google_access_rule Allowed Domains: www.googleapis.com
Save the Network Rule.
Create an external integration
Open the External Integrations page.
Apply the following configuration to create a new external integration:
Name: google_access_integration Allowed Secrets: google_oauth_token Allowed Network Rules: google_access_rule
Click Generate Script to generate a SQL script that creats a new Snowflake External Access Integration and grants Snoweaver access.
Run the Script in a Snowflake worksheet. Ensure that the executing role has the CREATE INTEGRATION privilege, such as the AccountAdmin role.
Currently, Snowflake does not support native applications requesting permissions to create integrations on consumer accounts. This step may be automated in the future should this restriction be lifted.
Return to Snoweaver and register the new external access integraiton via the sidebar
Create a new connection
Open the Connections page.
Apply the following configuration:
Name: google Base URL: https://www.googleapis.com/ External Access Integration: google_access_integration Secrets: google_oauth_token
Save the connection.
Create a new Calendar event
Open a Snowflake worksheet and execute the following SQL statements with the owner role or a custom role with the SNOWEAVER.APP_ADMIN application role:
Execute the following SQL statements to preview the content of the request:
USE ROLE LEARN_DEV_DEVELOPER; USE SCHEMA SNOWEAVER.GOOGLE; -- Preview the content of the request SELECT request( type => 'post', endpoint => 'calendar/v3/calendars/[Your Google Account]@gmail.com/events', headers => { 'Authorization': 'Bearer {{ secrets.google_oauth_token }}' }, body => { 'start' : { 'dateTime': TO_VARCHAR(CONVERT_TIMEZONE('UTC', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()), 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS'), 'timeZone': 'UTC' }, 'end' : { 'dateTime': TO_VARCHAR(CONVERT_TIMEZONE('UTC', DATEADD(hour, 1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP())), 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS'), 'timeZone': 'UTC' }, 'summary': 'Test Event' }, preview => TRUE ):data::varchar;
Execute the following SQL statements to create a new calendar event:
-- Create a new calendar event and store the response in a temporary table create or replace temporary table results as select request( type => 'post', endpoint => 'calendar/v3/calendars/[Your Google Account]@gmail.com/events', headers => { 'Authorization': 'Bearer {{ secrets.google_oauth_token }}' }, body => { 'start' : { 'dateTime': TO_VARCHAR(CONVERT_TIMEZONE('UTC', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()), 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS'), 'timeZone': 'UTC' }, 'end' : { 'dateTime': TO_VARCHAR(CONVERT_TIMEZONE('UTC', DATEADD(hour, 1,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP())), 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS'), 'timeZone': 'UTC' }, 'summary': 'Test Event' } ) as response; -- Analyze the response select response:success, response:data:status_code, response:data:headers, response:data:payload from results; -- Retrieve the newly created event using its ID from the previous response select request( type => 'get', endpoint => 'calendar/v3/calendars/[Your Google Account]@gmail.com/events/' || (select response:data:payload:id from results), headers => { 'Authorization': 'Bearer {{ secrets.google_oauth_token }}' } ) as response;
Delete a Calendar event
Execute the following SQL statements to delete the event created in the previous step:
-- Delete the newly created event using its ID from the previous response select request( type => 'delete', endpoint => 'calendar/v3/calendars/[Your Google Account]@gmail.com/events/' || (select response:data:payload:id from results), headers => { 'Authorization': 'Bearer {{ secrets.google_oauth_token }}' } );
Upload a file to Google Drive
Execute the following SQL statements to preview the content of the upload request:
-- Create a temporary table with sample data CREATE OR REPLACE TEMPORARY TABLE ACCOUNTS AS SELECT '789' AS EXT_ID, 'Grand Hotels & Resorts Ltd' AS NAME UNION SELECT '890', 'Express Logistics and Transport'; -- Copy data from the temporary table into a CSV file in the stage COPY INTO @google.data/drive/accounts.csv.gz FROM ACCOUNTS FILE_FORMAT = (TYPE = CSV COMPRESSION = GZIP FIELD_OPTIONALLY_ENCLOSED_BY='"') HEADER = TRUE OVERWRITE = TRUE SINGLE = TRUE; -- Declare a variable to store the result of the request DECLARE response variant; BEGIN -- Call the request function to upload the file to Google Drive response := ( CALL request( type => 'post', endpoint => 'upload/drive/v3/files', parameters => {'uploadType': 'media'}, headers => { 'Authorization': 'Bearer {{ secrets.google_oauth_token }}' }, filepath => 'drive/accounts.csv.gz', preview => true ) ); -- Return the data from the result as a string RETURN response:data::varchar; END;
Execute the following SQL statements to upload the file and update its metadata:
DECLARE response variant; BEGIN -- Upload the file to Google Drive response := (CALL request( type => 'post', endpoint => 'upload/drive/v3/files', parameters => {'uploadType':'media'}, headers => { 'Authorization': 'Bearer {{ secrets.google_oauth_token }}' }, filepath => 'drive/accounts.csv.gz', compress_decompress => true )); -- Update the file metadata (name) RETURN (SELECT request( type => 'patch', endpoint => 'drive/v3/files/' || :response:data:payload:id, headers => { 'Authorization': 'Bearer {{ secrets.google_oauth_token }}' }, body => { 'name': 'accounts.csv' } )):data:payload; END;