Admin Console

The Admin Console is the user interface for managing projects and the global resources shared across them, such as Snowflake secrets, network rules, and integrations.

It is the sole component available for new installations of Snoweaver. Only users assigned the Snoweaver application role APP_ADMIN have access to the Admin Console.

The admin console consists of the following pages:


This page provides a comprehensive overview of all existing projects and global resources within Snoweaver. It also offers functionalities for:

  • Managing global configurations

  • Rebuilding APIs

  • Restoring deleted projects


This page facilitates the creation and management of Snoweaver Projects. It provides a comprehensive interface for:

  • Creating new projects from scratch

  • Managing existing projects

  • Duplicating projects using the Copy as feature

  • Rebuilding project API

The Copy as functionality allows you to create a new project based on an existing one, including all associated resources from the template project. This can significantly speed up the process of setting up similar projects.

Important considerations when using Copy as

  • Job instances are not duplicated during this process. To regenerate them in the new project, use the Rebuild All function after copying.

  • Data in the RESULTS table and stages is not copied. This ensures that each project maintains its own unique dataset.


This page manages Snowflake Secrets for Snoweaver on this page. Ensure that secrets are created before including them into your project.


When loading an existing secret, its value will be hidden. You must re-enter the secret value when using the Save or Save As functions.

Network Rules

This page is for creating and managing Network Rules for Snoweaver. A network rule must be created before it can be applied to an external access integration.

External Integrations

This page is for generating scripts to create External Access Integrations and registering both new and existing integrations for Snoweaver on this page. Registration is required before an external access integration can be included in a project.


Currently, Snowflake restricts native applications from requesting privileges to create security integrations on consumer accounts. This limitation may be lifted in the future, which could allow for automation of this process.

OAuth Integrations

This page is for generating scripts to set up OAuth Integrations and registering any new or existing OAuth integrations for Snoweaver here. Registration is required before an OAuth security integration can be used.


Currently, Snowflake restricts native applications from requesting privileges to create security integrations on consumer accounts. This limitation may be lifted in the future, which could allow for automation of this process.